Thursday 18 February 2016

Pipeline Commissioning (English Ver.)

The Pipeline commissioning means introducing crude/ product/Gas in the pipeline from originating station, filling the entire length and then start delivering to receipt system.

What we need prior to commissioning?

  • The pipeline and associated facilities are completed in all respect
  • All Fire and Safety equipments / facilities are tested and commissioned
  • Availability of dedicated communication
  • Statutory Clearances obtained 
  • Availability of Product (HSD)/ Crude oil – Not less than line-fill 
  • Required Manpower is placed at all locations 
  • Availability of water and its disposal plan 
  • Availability of a dedicated commissioning team
Critical issues in commissioning a Petroleum Pipeline:
  • Movement of hydrocarbon in empty pipeline can generate static current.
  • Hydrocarbon Vapor mixed with oxygen may lead to explosion. 
  • There may be formation of Air / Vapor pocket that may get compressed leading to rise in pressure. 
  • Air / vapor pocket may explode in receiving tank leading to damage of the tank roof seal. 
  • Leakage of any hydrocarbon may lead to fire or damage to environment 


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